New Hungarian Senior National Representative in EUTM
Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Péter Lukács | 2012. március 20. 13:46Maj. Dr. Tibor Steiner recently started his service in Uganda, relieving Lt. Dr. Levente Tóth in the legal representative position of the EU Training Mission – Somalia (EUTM Somalia). Lt. Tóth have completed his tour of duty abroad after nearly six months of service, earning the highest recognition from his commanders in Uganda. He has returned to his unit, the HDF 64th Boconádi Szabó József Logistic Regiment of Kaposvár.
During the first days he paid a visit to the Bihanga Training Camp where he met the Hungarian instructors and learnt about their living circumstances and tasks. Maj. Steiner toured the entire area of the camp to get a complete picture of all the stages in the training of Somali troops.
Following this short visit, he returned to Kampala where he will work for six months. He noted that besides performing his legal duties, he would like to spend as much time with the Hungarian instructors as possible in order to assist their work as senior national representative.
Photos by the author