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Newsflash from Camp Pannonia

Szöveg: WO Erika Varga Szabóné |  2012. június 9. 6:00

Besides doing the daily routine, the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) spent the recent days with commemorating the comrades killed in action, celebrating the day of the Hungarian Defence Forces and participating in sports competitions.

“Painful Remembrance"

The HUN PRT has been present in Baghlan Province for more than five years. During this period the local residents accepted the Hungarian troops’ presence. Besides the pleasant memories, tragedy overshadowed the life of the contingent on eight occasions. We lost eight comrades.

The personnel of the HUN PRT marked the Day of the Hungarian Defence Forces by laying wreaths and paying tribute at the marble plaques memorializing the lost comrades by the side of the “PRT house".

“The most painful experience in our life is to lose someone who was important for us, who was close to us. It is not easy for us to come to terms with the tragedies and the pain caused by the loss. Now that we’re standing in front of their portraits carved in the marble plaques, the silence of their absence appears in our heartbeat. “They were our comrades, they were from among us!" – Capt. József Kertész said in his speech delivered at the ceremony.

“Long Live the Hungarian soldier!"

May 21 is the Day of the Hungarian Defence Forces; this day is about us, soldiers. This is an important moment in the history of the Hungarian people, a moment we are proud of. There were many unknown soldiers who fought during the recapture of Buda Castle on May 21, 1849: they are heroes, just like the ones whose names have been preserved for posterity. When the national tricolor was planted on the rampart of Buda Castle, Artúr Görgey said just this: “Forward! The Hungarian tricolor is flying on the rampart of Buda Castle! Long live the Hungarian soldier!"

This was a recognition of all those who had stood up for a good cause and gone to fight for it, just like we do this here in Afghanistan" – Lt.-Col. János Somogyi, HUN PRT commander said in opening the ceremonial staff meeting.

“Challenge, competition, victory"

In addition to the celebration, several sporting competitions took place on the Day of the Hungarian Defence Forces. The soldiers had opportunity to enter football, basketball, table tennis, table soccer and snooker contests. The starter’s pistol was fired at 0600 am for those who entered the events “3200 meter run in BDU, carrying a 10-kg rucksack" and the “6000 meter run". However, the participants of the “Spartan contest" were the ones taking up the really hard challenge. All of the eight brave entrants managed to complete the challenging tasks with success.


