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Orientation and Lessons Learned Visit

Szöveg: |  2011. november 1. 6:11

The visit paid by Lt.-Col. János Somogyi, the incoming Commander of the 12th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-12) to Camp Pannonia, Afghanistan, together with the key leaders of the next contingent served the purposes of preparation.

The visit had a dual purpose; on the one hand, it was aimed at gathering information in the area of operations about the security situation of Baghlan Province – within that the town of Pol-e Khumri –, while on the other hand at learning lessons. Over a week’s time they got an in-depth knowledge of the HUN PRT’s work and daily routine. The commander of the PRT, Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin gave an orientation briefing on the current situation, the activity of the Afghan National Army (ANA) Battalion stationed there, and the operational support of the ISAF Regional Command North (ISAF RC North).

The visit created a good opportunity for meeting with the local Afghan governmental and non-governmental organisations. The HUN PRT evaluated the military operations conducted during this period and hosted the planning phase of the upcoming operations. The visit offered a good occasion for the commander of the next rotation to participate in the multilateral negotiations: to meet with the high-ranking leaders of the Afghan National Army (ANA), the Afghan National Police (ANP), and also with the commanders of the German and US troops serving in the Province. This program involved Monshi Majid, the governor of Baghlan Province as well.

The “commander’s pre-deployment site inspection team" of the next rotation of the HUN National Support Element (HUN NSE), led by Col. Tamás Fürst also arrived in this period. The commander of the HUN PRT Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin briefed the team on the mission of the PRT and the progress of the projects being implemented in the province. During the discussions the NSE and the PRT common tasks system and its possible changes were also touched upon.


 (Text and photo: HUN-PRT-11 PAO)
