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Over Sarajevo for the first time

Szöveg: Balázs Trautmann |  2010. június 16. 6:27

Ten Hungarian parachutists made history on Saturday, for more than one reason. In the blazing sun, with 35 Celsius degrees in the shade, many guests turned up to see the helicopter, including Major General Bernhard Bair, EUFOR ALTHEA Commander, Brigadier General Tibor Nagy, his deputy, and Brigaider General Gerd Bischof, Chief of Staff. 

They made history, for it was the first time since WWII that Hungarian parachutists jumped in an operational area. It was also the first time Hungarian parachutists opened their canopies over Sarajevo. The helicopter was also a ’premiere’ because it was the first occasion they jumped from a Sikorsky S-70A-42 Blackhawk. The ten soldiers and policemen landed without any problem in the designated area by the helicopter landing site of Camp Butmir. The morning jump was necessary in order to practice because both the terrain and the helicopter were unknown to the team.

And they had to prepare seriously for the main attraction, the Saturday and Sunday jumps taking place in Zetra Stadium, rebuilt in 1999 after the Balkans war. A multitude of schoolchildren were watching the Hungarian military and police parachutists Saturday afternoon, for the guests arriving from the air were one of the main attractions of the 7th Children’s Day Festival. As regards its technique, the jump was not easy because they had to land precisely and safely in a relatively narrow space in a populated area, therefore the Friday morning jump ‘inside the camp’ was followed by another test jump in the stadium.

The Saturday premiere was successful, the parachutists also brought a present with themselves: they handed over a bottle of wine with signatures to Brig. Gen. Tibor Nagy. In the opinion of the jumpers, landing was not easy and the organisers also had to work a lot to usher the excited children and their parents out. The soil is also the ’adhering’ type, for the old rubber surface immediately caught the boots of landing parachutists. Despite the difficulties success was unavoidable: the host of children ’besieging’ them, and the smile and handshake of Susanne Prahl, the festival director made them forget about their problems and the tropical heat.

The following people participated in the pioneering venture: retired Major Sándor Méhész, retired Captain Tamás Molnár, Captain Tibor Lázár, First Lieutenant Gábor Kollár, Warrant Officer Sándor Bánfi from the Hungarian Defence Forces; and Major György Kiss, Lieutenant Tamás Váradi, Senior Warrant Officer Dr. László Gedõ, Warrant Officer László Környei, and Sergeant First Class István Figlár from the Hungarian Police.