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Peak Period Traffic at the Airport

Szöveg: HDF KAIA FPC |  2013. március 3. 6:04

The Kabul International Airport manages a huge passenger and cargo traffic. It has a small but all the more busier part, the zone APRON-8, an area where airplanes and helicopters are loaded and parked.


ISAF receives and dispatches its troops here in this zone, and this is the point through which
military equipment arrives in and starts from Afghanistan.

To make sure that the staff of the zone can perform their tasks undisturbed, there is a need
for the work of the Hungarian force protection (FP) soldiers at the airport. The soldiers of
the force protection company of the Hungarian FP contingent are on duty at the entry control
points, check the authorization of those wishing to enter and search the motor vehicles. With
this, they create the conditions for the problem-free everyday work of the staff working in the
area of the base.


In February too, the air traffic controllers cleared several dozens of aircraft for landing and
take-off every day. Besides the troops arriving in the area of operations, most aircraft carried
large amounts of logistic materiel as well. Articulated lorries arrived in APRON-8 one after
another to unload the aircraft…

The increasing number of airlifts is part of the transition process, during which the ISAF
forces hand over to the Afghan National Security Forces the control and supervision of areas,
public administration as well as various economic and infrastructural branches of strategic