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Preparing for International Postings

Szöveg: HDF PSTC |  2017. május 3. 9:00

In the last week of April in Szolnok, the Hungarian Defence Forces Peace Support Training Centre (HDF PSTC) held a peace operations pre-deployment training course for 30 personnel preparing for EU and UN staff and individual postings. The soldiers will perform their duties in seven areas of operations.


On 28 April, the pre-deployment training ended for the personnel to deploy with the rotations of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) as well as the EUMM Georgia, EUTM Mali, EUTM Somalia, the European Union Satellite Center (EU SATCEN) and the military operation known as European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EU NAVFOR MED).


The participants of the one-week course – which consisted of theoretical and practical training – were introduced, among others, to the development of peacekeeping operations and the current security risks and threats in the areas of operations, and learned about the international laws of armed conflicts and military medicine. They also attended lectures and briefings on electronic information and document security as well as finances, insurance and customs regulations. The training of the personnel was carried out in specialized groups with regard to their planned postings. Instead of marksmanship training, those preparing to fill unarmed observer positions underwent engineer training, in which they learned minefield awareness, the main types of mines and the regulations for activities to be used in the event of landmine explosions, as well as, during a psychological training, the code of conduct for personnel in captivity.


The tasks of the training program run by the HDF PSTC included the execution of peace operation target practices No. 1. and 2. The range day on 26 April aimed at preparing the personnel planned to peace support operations for the successful execution of armed tasks, preferably without taking human lives. The trainees carried out the target practices with pistols and assault rifles.