President of Hungary János Áder Visits Brussels
Szöveg: / MTI | 2013. január 17. 17:20On Thursday and Friday, January 17 and 18 President of Hungary János Áder is paying a visit to Brussels where he is to meet NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. This is the first time that a Hungarian head of state has visited the NATO Headquarters in Brussels since Hungary’s accession to the Alliance in 1999.
Afghanistan, where the largest Hungarian military contingent is deployed. According to
Hungarian News Agency MTI, the head of state is to hold discussions with the NATO
Secretary General to inform himself about the Secretary General’s vision for Afghanistan’s
2014 future after 2014, when most NATO forces will leave the Asian country and NATO
will formally terminate its mission. In 2015, at most 10-15,000 foreign troops can remain
in Afghanistan, after the local forces have completely taken over security responsibilities.
According to a diplomatic source, of this number the Hungarian troop strength can be at most
50-60 (advisors, trainers or possibly SF units). This source says that the foreign forces can
operate three major military bases in Afghanistan “for contingencies".
The diplomat also pointed out that currently around 1,000 Hungarian soldiers are serving in
various NATO-led missions abroad; more than half of them, currently around 580 personnel
are deployed in Afghanistan and another 200 in Kosovo.
The diplomat stressed that the stability of the Western Balkan region is a primary interest
of Hungary, and – although Kiev does not intend to join NATO – the maintenance of
cooperation with Ukraine.
Following the discussions with the NATO Secretary General, on Thursday evening János
Áder will attend the reopening of the Balassi Institute in Brussels – the cultural service of the
Hungarian embassy in Belgium – and the opening of an exhibition of children’s drawings
According to MTI, the items on the agenda of the discussions between the President of
Hungary and the NATO Secretary General include the conflict in Syria and the related
potential tasks of NATO.
On Friday, the second day of the two-day presidential visit János Áder will participate in a
citizenship oath-taking ceremony at the Hungarian embassy in Belgium.