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Road to Reach NATO Full Capability

Szöveg: |  2017. február 1. 9:00

The initial planning conference (IPC) of the evaluation exercise of the Hungarian NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) was held in Zrínyi Miklós Barracks on Hungária Road, Budapest. The two-day event was organized by exercise planners of the HDF Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command (HDF APTC) and the HDF Logistic Centre (HD LC), and was also attended by representatives from the Headquarters Multinational Corps North-East (HQ MNC NE), Poland.

Reaching of the NATO Full Capability (NATO FC) for the NFIU is a national responsibility to be evaluated on an exercise. The main objective of Exercise Precise Reception 17 is to provide training opportunities for the personnel of the Hungarian NFIU in the methods of reception, staging and onward movement (RSOM) of NATO forces arriving in the country. As part of the exercise, the NFIU will be validated in the presence of NATO observers.


In accordance with the declaration adopted at the NATO Summit in Wales, the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) is the “spearhead" element of the NATO Response Force (NRF) at the highest state of readiness, with certain units at a 48-hour notice to move into the area of any NATO member state where the threat level necessitates their deployment. The exercise to be conducted in Hungary involves the personnel of the Hungarian NFIU in supporting the RSOM of a VJTF of fictitious structure. The NFIU will coordinate this process in parallel with the designated NATO and national commands.

The exercise is also significant because this is the first time that the Hungarian NFIU – as part of the NATO Force Structure – will be cooperating with national commands and authorities. To enable this cooperation, the Hungarian NFIU will be operating as part of the Hungarian Defence Forces Operations Control System during the live exercise phase.


The NATO HQ Brussels will be simulated by the HQ MNC NE (Szczecin, Poland) during the exercise. The national exercise control staff will be provided by the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff, and the main exercise planners will be designated staff officers of the HDF APTC.

Redeployment of military units over long distances requires thorough planning, and the coordination of logistic and command systems.


To execute the tasks of planning and organization, there is a need for establishing a Central Planning Team, which is led by designated personnel of the HDF APTC Exercise Planning and Training Support Division under the direct control of HDF APTC Commander Brig.-Gen. Attila Takács and HDF LC Commander Brig.-Gen. István Baráth.

Photo: HDF APTC and archives