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Soldiers Save Lives

Szöveg: Sgt. Eszter Dózsa |  2017. április 11. 9:58

On 6 April in the afternoon hours, SSgt. Richárd Kemenczei and Cpl. Zoltán Varga – two soldiers serving with the HDF Great Plain Task Force – were performing a transportation task as part of their daily duties, when they noticed a car on fire on the motorway.

“The rear of the car was already in flames when it skidded off the road before our eyes and rolled down into a ditch, taking out a utility pole. We pulled off and started the rescue immediately", Cpl. Zoltán Varga, the driver of the military vehicle told us.

“I was the first to arrive at the vehicle in the ditch, and I managed to extricate a young man from it, who apparently suffered some injuries", SSgt. Richárd Kemenczei added.


The other passenger, a young lady was able to get out of the car on her side, and headed for a nearby gas station for help. While the staff sergeant was assisting with the treatment of the injured man until the arrival of the ambulance and the fire services, Cpl. Zoltán Varga successfully contained the fire, using the extinguisher of the HDF motor vehicle.

Due to the frequent transportation, patrol and other tasks, the soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces – and those of the HDF Great Plain Task Force in particular – spend a lot of time on the roads, so it has already happened many times that they were able to help in the event of traffic accidents. Thanks to their quick reaction and the advanced first responder skills acquired during training, the soldiers have already provided assistance to people on the road on several occasions.

Photos by the author