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Target Practice Among the Mountains

Szöveg: Maj. Ildikó Szmolenszki |  2013. május 2. 9:00

The maneuver company serving with the eight rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent is busy performing its duties following the full operational capability (FOC) exercise.


In the second week of April, the Hungarian peacekeepers held a range day at Orahovac to
zero their infantry weapons in use with the contingent. After this procedure, the soldiers
executed several target practices with AK-63D assault rifles, P9RC pistols, PKM machine
guns, SVD sniper rifles and 40mm mortars.

Capt. Péter Csönge, range officer said that the target practices provide the company with a
solid basis for performing its operational tasks successfully, by high professional standards.


Photos: Capt. Péter Csönge