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The Eighth Rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Mi-17 Air Advisory Team arrived in Shindand

Szöveg: HDF Mi-17 AAT-8 |  2014. február 9. 11:30

The Hungarian Defence Forces Mi-17 Air Advisory Team (HDF Mi-17 AAT-8) arrived on January 22 at the Shindand Air Base, in Afghanistan. The Contingent’s main scope of activity will be the mentoring of the flight and engineering personnel of the Afghan Air Force (AAF) in aviation and flight engineering. The days following the arrival of the Contingent were spent with learning the rules of the Shindand Air Base, and acquiring the knowledge necessary for the mentoring tasks. The personnel of the earlier rotation gave a detailed briefing about the procedural orders of the instruction, required by the US lead-nation from the Hungarian mentors concerning the training of the Afghan helicopter pilots, flight technicians, and aerial marksmen.


Responsible tasks lie ahead of them

After the theoretical preparation, the Hungarian aviation and flight mentors familiarized themselves with the systems of the Mi-17 type helicopter version operated by the Afghan Air Force in the simulator of the Air Base, and practiced their correct use. The preparation in the simulator was followed by the practical flying training conducted by the aviation and flight mentors of the earlier rotation, and the test flights with the instructors of the lead nation. After the test flights, the US partner declared the flight crew members of the Contingent “Mission Ready".

Parallel with the preparation of the aviation-flight mentors, the preparation of the Contingent’s flight-engineering mentors was also performed according to the special branches, in which the Ukrainian experts, executing tasks on the Air Base, were actively involved.

As from January 28, 2014, the HDF Mi-17 AAT-8 personnel took over the full responsibility for the mentoring tasks of the Afghan aviation-flight and flight-engineering personnel stationing in the Shindand Air Base.


Together with the foreign comrades