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The European Union Military Committee (EUMC) Holds the Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) Meeting in Brussels

Szöveg: MoD Press Section |  2013. november 15. 9:13

The Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) of 28 EU Member States meet between November 12 and 13 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of General Patrick de Rousiers, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC). In the meeting of the Union’s highest military body Chief of the MoD Defence Staff General Dr. Tibor Benkő leads the Hungarian delegation.

The conference is one of the EU arrangements, which prepare and support the European Council’s December Meeting dealing with defence issues. In the preparation process the foundation of the summit will be laid in the defence policy issues by the session of the defence policy directors, in the military-policy and military-technical topics by the CHODs session, and in the comprehensive defence policy questions by the Defence Ministers’ session. The European Council’s conference in December will provide a good opportunity for the Heads of State and Government of the European Union to define the directions for the Union’s future Common Security and Defence Policy.


Chief of the MoD Defence Staff General Dr. Tibor Benkő leads the Hungarian delegation

The review of the ongoing military operations is included among the central themes of the EUMC session at Chiefs of Defence level. The assessment of the elements of the Ashton-report prepared for the European Council session will enjoy priority, and they will work out the common position related to that, in the area of the military capabilities development, titled “The EU CHODs’ Priorities for Action". In addition, the assessment of the military relations with the EU strategic partners and the discussion of the EUFOR Althea operation’s future in the Western-Balkans are on the agenda of the two-day meeting.