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MoD Press Section


The Chief of the MoD Defence Staff arrived in Brussels

2014. január 24. 11:06

The Chief of the MoD Defence Staff General Dr. Tibor Benkő arrived in Brussels on Tuesday, 21st of January, where the meeting of the NATO Chiefs of Defence will be staged on 23-24 January. The Hungarian Military Representative Major General László Domján received Tibor Benkő on the airport, and then they travelled together to the NATO HQ.


National Armaments Directors meet in Budapest

2013. december 12. 6:51

Hungary, as the presidency nation of the Visegrád Group (V4) hosted the next regular meeting of the National Armaments Directors of the Visegrád Group. The Czech, Polish and Slovakian participants of the meeting – the National Armaments Directors of the partner countries – arrived upon the invitation of Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy and National Armaments Director Mr Zoltán Borbíró, PhD.


The EU Military Committee (EUMC) Discussed about the Military Operations and Missions in Africa

2013. november 19. 9:13

The EUMC held its session in Brussels with the participation of the Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) of the EU Member States between November 12 and 13. In the session of the highest military body of the Union the Hungarian delegation was led by Chief of the MoD Defence Staff General Dr. Tibor Benkő, the members of the delegation were Major General László Domján, the HDF Military Representative and the EU-experts of the HDF Office of the Military Representative.


The European Union Military Committee (EUMC) Holds the Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) Meeting in Brussels

2013. november 15. 9:13

The Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) of 28 EU Member States meet between November 12 and 13 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of General Patrick de Rousiers, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC). In the meeting of the Union’s highest military body Chief of the MoD Defence Staff General Dr. Tibor Benkő leads the Hungarian delegation.