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National Armaments Directors meet in Budapest

Szöveg: MoD Press Section |  2013. december 12. 6:51

Hungary, as the presidency nation of the Visegrád Group (V4) hosted the next regular meeting of the National Armaments Directors of the Visegrád Group. The Czech, Polish and Slovakian participants of the meeting – the National Armaments Directors of the partner countries – arrived upon the invitation of Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy and National Armaments Director Mr Zoltán Borbíró, PhD.


National Armament Directors meet in Budapest

The Hungarian delegation was headed by the host of the meeting Mr Borbíró, and it

also included the Head of the MoD Military Equipment and Property Management

Department with his deputy and a group of delegated experts.

On the first day of the two-day event the participants informed one another on the

activities conducted by Materiel Working Groups also dealing with related logistic fields

in the recent period of time. They also discussed the current state of joint equipment

development including further opportunities and the analysis of joint participation and

mutual support in third countries.


The Hungarian delegation was headed by Mr Zoltán Borbíró (second from the left)

The agenda of the meeting included a detailed presentation on the MoD-owned private

companies limited by shares too, including their capabilities. On the first official day

of the meeting – in the framework of bilateral talks – opportunities were provided for

deepening the relations between the participants and discussing the current issues in


On the second day of the meeting the delegations paid a visit to the premises of the

Electronics, Logistics and Property Management Company (HM EI Zrt.) and that of HM

Currus Zrt. MoD-owned private companies limited by shares, where the participants had

a chance to get an insight into the capabilities presented the previous day, and in the most

recent trends of development. At the premises of HM EI Zrt a detailed briefing was given

on the dual-purpose biological laboratory developed by the company, which could be

closely scrutinised.


The participants informed one another on the activities in the recent past

In the Gödöllő premises of HM Currus Zrt. an insight was given in the life of a defence

company, in the motor-vehicle and fighting-vehicle repair and modernisation activities

comprising the primary profile of the firm. The newly developed versions of unmanned

aerial vehicles (UAVs), their command and control systems, and the multipurpose bus

and truck developments were also presented.

When closing the meeting Mr Borbíró evaluated the event as successful and expressed

his hope that the work done in the previous two days might further improve the

existing good relations, the precise and practical introduction might crate new market

opportunities for Hungarian defence industry, and new prospects might open in bi- and

multilateral cooperation.


An insight was given into the life of a defence company

Photos by MoD Press Section
