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The Third Victorious Battle Of Pákozd

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2010. március 18. 6:49

On Friday the newest building of the Pákozd Military Memorial Park, the museum on Mészeg Hill, built in recent months with the support of the European Union, was inaugurated with due ceremony. The event was also the official dedication of the memorial park. The leaders of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces were also present at the ceremony. 

"Honouring soldiers" – was the motto on March 12 in Pákozd of all those who were interested in the event and who wanted to celebrate. On this day the museum, one of the sites preserving the memory of events taking place 162 years ago, the newest element of the Pákozd Mészeg Hill Historic Thematic Route Project implemented in the framework of New Hungary Development Plan Mid-Transdanubian Operative Program with the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, was inaugurated.

We were informed at the event – attended by Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres and General László Tömböl, MoD Chief of Defence Staff, among others – that those who had the vision of this large scale project, the organizers and contractors have performed their duties and fulfilled their dream. They have created a site where everyone can pay tribute under proper circumstances to soldiers who protected the country.


János Takács, the mayor of Pákozd said at the dedication: serving the homeland is the most noble task for every Hungarian. The defence of the country and the sacrifices made for this cause must be honoured, respected, and remembered. There were two victorious battles in Pákozd, but it is still the battle of 1848 that elevated the village. The day of the battle is the date of the birth of our national defence – János Takács underlined.

The mayor added: Pákozd has always proudly undertaken this prestigious role. In 1869, the locals erected a memorial for the defenders of the homeland, then in 1951 the Hungarian People’s Army dedicated a memorial obelisk on Mészeg Hill. There has been an intention for years to create a worthy environment for the memorial site. The Defence Forces and Society Friendly Circle and the Memorial Committee have championed the cause.

– After several years of struggling, now the big moment has come. The establishment of the memorial park is the third victorious battle of Pákozd – emphasized the mayor, who also told the audience that the Defence Forces and Society Friendly Circle and the village municipality have contributed to the project with a considerable amount and this fact, together with the support of the European Union, has made the development possible. But the leaders of the Ministry of Defence and the general staff have also supported the implementation from the beginning. The memorial park showing the struggle of soldiers in various periods is a unique site in Europe.

János Takács said they were glad when they were informed about the initiative of the Ministry of Defence for introducing defence education for young people, but in addition to that, there is also a need for patriotic education. Therefore the mayor has initiated to have the spiritual centre of this education in Pákozd. Mr Takács ended his speech with symbolically handing over the memorial park to soldiers and everyone present.

Dr. Ibolya Balogh, the chairwoman of the Fejér county General Assembly began her address with thanking the official bodies, civilians, churches and foundations for their efforts, since they have done a lot for the cause of the memorial park in the past years. Because for a long time, the nation remembered Pákozd only as one of the sites of the 1848-49 freedom fight, the place that witnessed the heroism of soldiers. But for today, this has changed!


– Now that we are standing here we can be content with what we see if we look around. We have made significant progress since the establishment of the Memorial Committee in 2002. Like a seed, the resolution of participating municipalities, public and civil organizations has taken root in this soil soaked with blood.

The consortium of interested parties submitted their tender for the implementation of objectives outlined in the beginning. Finally Fejér county, the municipality of Pákozd, and the Székesfehérvár branch of the Defence Forces and Society Friendly Circle took the last, necessary and rational step, and established the Miliary Memorial Park Non-Profit LLC to maintain and develop this memorial for the benefit of the entire society.

The chairwoman of the county general assembly also pointed out that the memorial park shows the frightening face of warfare and at the same time it is a worthy memorial for fallen soldiers, and by teaching and education, it drives the next generations towards peace.

Tihamér Warvasovszky, the mayor of Székesfehérvár and chairman of the Székesfehérvár branch of the Defence Forces and Society Friendly Circle (HTBK) said: “Today we have come to Pákozd to celebrate. To celebrate the 1848 revolution, the March youth, who were full of actions and the desire to act, many of whom stood their ground in Pákozd as well, set an example for us in patriotism, and believed in freedom. This is what gave them strength to conquer the enemy that outnumbered them."

– Twelve years ago there was only a dilapidated museum and a shattered memorial in this area to tell about this glorious period in our history – Tihamér Warvasovszky remembered. There were some people who did not think that this historic site was important, but fortunately, the majority has supported the fostering of memories. And they were right, for the memorial site was renovated by 2002, and thanks to the organizations merged into the Memorial Committee that reflects an extensive cooperation, it has been given a new content. Today, as a result of this union and the support of the European Union, a new quality could be created, which has been given a new name: Military Memorial Park Pákozd. It has become the site of remembrance and paying tribute.

– The consortium agreement concluded with the municipality of Pákozd, the payment of a significant amount, and the continuous support of the Hungarian Defence Forces have made it possible for us to construct this facility – said the Székesfehérvár chairman of the HTBK, in the opinion of whom the dedication is not the final step, for they hope that a new chapter will begin in the patriotic education of young people, the spiritual centre of which will be Pákozd.

László Ecsõdi, MP, member of the Mid-Transdanubian Regional Development Council emphasized in his address that the council put up a HUF 2,2 billion tender for integrated regional development. From the 31 applications that were submitted, eight have won, among them the Pákozd Mészeg Hill Historic Thematic Road project, which has received 220,9 million forints. The project includes three sites, the military memorial site on Mészeg Hill, the memorial point of the council of war in Sukoró, and the renovation of the Pákozd memorial.

– It is a great advantage of the project that the historic importance of Pákozd is well-known all over the country. Its geographical location and accessibility are excellent – said the member of parliament, in the opinion of whom the memorial park contributes to the fulfillment of patriotism. The memorials demonstrate that a nation can only be successful if people unite.

– Today basic military studies are taught in sixty-two secondary schools in Hungary. National defence studies are in the syllabus of eight universities and colleges. The changes that give an opportunity even to young generations to learn and understand have originated from initiatives like this one, where we are standing now – Imre Szekeres said in his address.

The defence minister added: there is something fascinating about the fact that only a year after March 15, 1848, the Hungarian nation celebrated the anniversary of the revolution. In Debrecen they had a military parade and fireworks. In the opinion of the minister, "it is extremely significant in the life of a nation that only a year after the historic event there was full national consensus on the fact that it was a very important point. We also fully agree that the Hungarian Defence Forces, that were born in that period, became the institution guaranteeing the security and freedom of the Hungarian nation after their first victorious battle near Pákozd-Sukoró."

“We have preserved the past 162 years, symbolically summarizing them here in Pákozd. The memorial site is about the soldiers. But the entire Hungarian nation has to remember them. It is a place that gives an overview from 1848 to today of the historic past that means the Hungarian Defence Forces" – said the minister, according to whom the defence forces have always undertaken and still undertake today the historic heritage meant by the freedom fight and its battles.

– Back then, here eighteen thousand people laid the foundations of the Hungarian Defence Forces, which still exist today, and which have become one of the most recognized institutions by the entire Hungarian society, and in which excellent soldiers are serving. I consider this memorial site not only a place of remembrance but also a part of the Hungarian Defence Forces – said Imre Szekeres.

The speakers officially handed over the military memorial park to the visitors by cutting the red-white-green ribbon. The participants of the dedication ceremony visited the museum, and the event ended with the toast of General László Tömböl.

The chief of defence staff of MoD pointed out: those who are familiar with the Hungarian Defence Forces and their organizational structure know that the military has capabilities – for instance guard of honour or orchestras, bands – that do not belong to classic military capabilities, with which no battles and wars can be won, but their existence is essential, for they are forming our identity and helping in making society familiar with the life and ordinary days of soldiers. Moreover, these capabilities are the ones they often offer to society in case municipalities or civil organizations send their requests because they need soldiers to carry wreaths or they need military bands.

– We gladly fulfill these requests because for us, the connection between the defence forces and society is extremely important! – General Tömböl emphasized, adding that besides requests, they occasionally receive voluntary offers from society. Pákozd, Mészeg Hill is one of the wonderful examples of these voluntary offers.

The chief of defence staff also thanked the municipality of Pákozd, the General Assembly of Fejér county, and the Székesfehérvár branch of the HTBK for the altruistic work they have done in order to establish the memorial site. Which is an example of cooperation, of wanting to act for a cause. They have created a memorial site that is incomparable in the country and in Europe.

– For us soldiers Pákozd is an emblematic place. Without Pákozd, there are no Hungarian Defence Forces. This place gives a lot to the present military as well, for our traditions are rooted in here. Therefore when we soldiers visit Pákozd, we feel like coming home, being at home, for this is the place of our birth! – said General László Tömböl.