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There Are No Problems, Only Tasks

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2015. február 2. 9:00

After a busy and difficult year, there are even greater tasks ahead of the logisticians in this year, which will see the start of the implementation of a program aimed at developing the soldiers’ individual combat gears and the procurement of new helicopters. Besides, the rationalization of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ logistic system continues, and the logisticians will take part in more exercises than last year. “2015 will be the year of logistics”, told us Brig.-Gen. Dr. Imre Pogácsás, Chief of the Defence Staff Logistic Directorate.

The Hungarian logisticians are recognized on an international level in the fields of transportation, water purification and technical capabilities. The Hungarian-developed mobile laboratory is unique in the world, and NATO recognizes the system that enables refueling of military vehicles under field and operational conditions. The logisticians take it as praise if they are very rarely talked about, which, according to Imre Pogácsás, is the ideal condition for a member of this profession.

“By an old slogan, we are also called the invisible service, since if we are doing our job well, we are unnoticeable, which means that everything is all right", the brigadier-general said, adding that one of their fundamental principles – “There are no problems, only tasks" – is also based on this logic. The challenges are, however, multiply in the case of an organization whose members represent 19 different military occupational specialties (MOS) called “material types". For this reason, the problems caused by the shortage of experts are much more salient in the logistic system, and another major task is to supply logisticians of the next generation and prepare them with proper training.


The brigadier-general assessed 2014 as a successful year, and noted that the letter of appreciation – written by President of Hungary János Áder and read out at this year’s assessment and tasking meeting – also concludes that “the Hungarian Defence Forces have performed above strength". “I would like to add that it would not have been possible to achieve this without the logisticians", he said.

Speaking about last year’s results, he underlined that despite the difficult financial situation, the logistic system managed to keep the Hungarian Defence Forces functioning. This result is all the more important, considering that they had to execute a number of complex tasks such as those related to the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and the increased military presence in the Balkans. “Practically, we were able to complete every task involved in our international engagement with logistic support", he added, noting that in the case of Afghanistan, a challenging factor was the transportation of combat vehicles and military equipment back home from a distance of thousands of kilometers.


“There are more Hungarian troops than ever serving in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo", the brigadier-general emphasized. This means that the logisticians had to face a number of significant challenges. In this theatre, beyond the support of the troops, they are also participating in reconstruction, by contributing technical experts, for example. Altogether some 100 soldiers are working in logistic positions in the areas of operations.

Imre Pogácsás also emphasized the importance of setting up the joint V4 Battle Group, a project which started last year. According to plans, this unit will stand up by 2016, but until then a great many logistic tasks will have to be carried out such as the development of equipment and reallocation of the budget. Another important milestone is the generation of the close air support capability, which started in 2014 and mainly comprises tasks related to the development of the Gripen fighter jets (new armaments, systems).


The rationalization of the logistic system in the previous year required a significant amount of work as well, and brought a reduction in the number of bases as well as in the amount of redundant “material" and surplus items of equipment. “This process, which had started in 2011, involved very significant relocation and the movement of a great many items of equipment. Still, it was worth completing, because this rationalization enables us to save hundreds of millions of HUF in the short run and billions in the long run", he said, adding that altogether eight bases had been “emptied" by the end of 2014.

2015 will be the year of logistics, as part of which, depending on the budget, the procurements serving the development of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ capabilities and equipment will be launched at any rate in this and the next year. These include the procurement of helicopters and the modernization of the soldiers’ gears. “The directorate has a key role in it, since this is the place where the decisions are prepared and the requirements are set out and formulated", he added. They also expect much from the above-mentioned rationalization in this year, as part of which a decision may be made about the tasks related to the establishment of a Central Logistic Base, and the implementation of the project may start. “This year, the branch of logistics will have even more tasks", the chief of the directorate said, pointing out that for instance, there will be significantly more domestic and international exercises than last year. Speaking about these, he highlighted the “Trident Juncture 2015" program, to be held in Portugal, the validation event of the V4 Battle Group in Poland, and the exercise “Capable Logistician 2015", which will be organized in Hungary between June 1 and 26 at the request of the Prague-based Multinational Logistic Coordination Centre. The latter has huge importance because, together with the participating members of the Hungarian Defence Forces, it will involve a total of 1400 troops from 20 nations as well as 400 items of military equipment.


Preparations are already under way for the logistic interoperability and standardization exercise, and the participants met in Székesfehérvár this week to discuss the preliminary tasks. Similarly important is the Baltic Air Policing Mission, which will start this year and will involve Hungarian Gripens patrolling the skies of the Baltic states as of September, Imre Pogácsás said.

Photos: Veronika Dévényi and archives