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„Two Nations, One Force”

Szöveg: 1st Lt. Béla Papp |  2013. szeptember 23. 9:00

In the spirit of KFOR’s common multinationality, the competition “Western Games 2013” was organized in late August.


The aims of the competition included strengthening teamwork among the multinational teams entering the games by setting an example of trust and joint successful cooperation. Two mixed teams of the join Portuguese–Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) entered the contest, which was held in Camp “Villaggio Italia".

Altogether 15 international teams lined up at the starting line. Of them, one of the joint Portuguese–Hungarian teams came in fifth, and the other was placed first, which earns more reputation for the Hungarian Defence Forces and the KTM battalion. After the competition, at the usual morning parade, the commander of KFOR awarded his own coin to the members of the winning team in recognition of their excellent result.


After the games, we interviewed Cpl. Zoltán Szabó, a member of the winning team about the events of the competition.

How did you prepare for the competition?

Unfortunately, we did not have much time to prepare because the competition took place soon after our arrival, and we were training for crowd riot control (CRC) tasks all day, but this did not deter us, since we wanted to win. Some days before the games we met our would-be teammates, so we can compete as friends on the day of the contest.

What kind of tasks did you have to carry out to achieve victory?

At the technical meeting before the competition, 12 tasks were selected by a draw, which we had to carry out. These tasks had fanciful names like “flying comrade" or “run out of fuel". There were some events where we had to walk on piles with the help of comrades. Basically, it was a field competition.


What were the games themselves like?

Our team made a good start, we were among the first three place-winners all along. We won the first tasks hands down. In the second half of the competition we made some mistakes, for example when we had to pull a car, the rope was stretching out too much and we were unable to complete the task. At that point we started to get tired, but we did not give up and fortunately were able to do better at the last task. Here I had to lead my teammates across a “minefield" , which was not an easy task for a Portugese–Hungarian team due to the language barrier.

How did it feel to stand on the medal stand?

It was a great feeling when we received a huge round of applause and were given a prize as the best team. I am happy to have been able to compete together with the Portuguese soldiers, it was really good to work with them. I think we can prove the truth of KFOR’s motto “Two nations, one force".

Photos by the author