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Visit to the International Airport

Szöveg: HUN ABP AT |  2015. szeptember 20. 10:02

The Hungarian Advisory Team of the Afghan Border Police 806th Zone recently visited the Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi International Airport in Mazar-i Sharif. During the visit, Col. Tibor Talabos, lead advisor met Col. Mohammad Kahn, the newly appointed commander of the ABP force protection/guard and security unit at the airport.


The construction of the airport’s civil terminal cost EUR 55 million, and the terminal was inaugurated in the summer of 2013. Year after year, the airport connects more and more countries, currently, among others, there are arriving/departing flights from/to Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, and several aircraft take off and land here on domestic flights as well. The daily passenger traffic of the airport was over 1,000 in the recent period.

At the trilateral professional meeting, the participants noted that the increase in passenger traffic entails increased security risks. In addition, the topics of discussion included further plans related to flight safety and development concepts. The members of the advisory team assured Col. Mohammad Kahn of their full support for the implementation of the plans. It was stated that training courses necessary for the force protection/security of the airport, hiring of staff and technical expansions are to be expected too. The final goal is to make the Afghan forces able to guarantee the security of the airport without any external assistance.


Some days before the introductory visit, the nursery school of the airport was opened. The members of the ABP Advisory Team also attended this event. In the nursery school, day care is provided for children of the ABP members and civilian employees working at the airport. The construction of the institution was funded by foreign organizations.