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Vocational Training for People of Andarab Valley

Szöveg: Maj. László Bártfai |  2012. január 16. 9:14

On January 7 the CIMIC cell of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-11) delivered different kinds of timber to Andarab Valley, Afghanistan, together with the tools for working with them. All these things are needed for a course which is scheduled to start in February.

Clearing out the pockets of insurgents in the areas of Andarab Valley was one of last year’s priorities among the military operations conducted in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan. The main reason is that the armed groups hiding in the region posed a security threat to the soldiers and other security forces operating in the province.

The local battalion of the Afghan National Army (ANA) successfully completed the operation with assistance from the mentors of the Hungarian–US Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT).

Thanks to the operation, the security situation in Andarab Valley has improved a lot, and now it seems life is starting to return to normal, as evidenced by the fact that local people are paying increasing attention to the projects carried out by the PRT CIMIC cell and seeking contact with the troops.

Last time they requested the CIMIC specialists to run a course so that the interested ones can get vocational qualifications in carpentry and joinery. The weeks preceding the course were taken up by making phone calls and discussions, but thanks to the CIMIC specialists’ quick work, the course is ready to start soon, in February, according to plans.

“We are supporting this course with several thousand dollars, because apart from the efforts to increase security, the only way to change Afghan people’s life leads through education, so that their days can filled with peace and work again instead of “waging war". In the post-operations stage, it is vital that the people can feel they are being cared for, while the former insurgents and criminals should lay down their arms voluntarily and get an alternative for reintegration into everyday civilian life", Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin, the commander of the HUN PRT-11 told us.

In the first days of January the Hungarian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team delivered to the site the timber and tools that are needed for running the course. According to plans, those successfully completing the course will receive the tools they have used, which can make it easier for them to start their own enterprise.


 Photo: Capt. Roland Kálinger