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We Are One Community

Szöveg: |  2012. március 18. 18:07

“…we are working together for the future of Afghanistan and Baghlan Province. Whatever nationality we have, we are striving to achieve the same goal, which is better life and better future for the people of Baghlan” – this was stated at a ceremony marking the transfer of authority between the 11th and the 12th rotations of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT).

The high-ranking Afghan guests invited to the March 4 ceremony included the governmental and religious leaders of Baghlan Province and the generals of the security organs. Representatives of the women’s affairs organizations also attended the ceremony.

In his letter read out at the event, Maj.-Gen. Erich Pfeffer, the commander of ISAF Regional Command – North (ISAF RC-N) praised the troops of the PRT-11 rotation for the outstanding and arduous work they have done in the interest of creating a peaceful future for Afghanistan and Baghlan Province.

Monsi Abdul Majid, the governor of Baghlan Province delivered a speech, in which he stressed that it is always with a heavy heart that Afghan people say goodbye to the Hungarian troops. The Afghans cooperated with the Hungarians throughout six months, they got to know each other, but at the same time they were reassured to hear that another troop rotation is already on the way, with whom they can work together as well.

“Part of me is sad because I have to leave you, my friends, while the other part of me is happy because I am going to return to my family" – Col. Romulusz Ruszin, the commander of the HUN PRT-11 said. “We have successfully finished our job. We would like to thank the Afghan governmental and religious leaders and security organs as well as the commander of ISAF for the assistance and support we received from them over the last six months".

In his speech, Lt.-Col. János Somogyi, the incoming commander of the HUN PRT-12 rotation pointed out that “We are one community sitting around the table. We are working together for the future of Afghanistan and Baghlan Province. Whatever nationality we have, we are striving to achieve the same goal, which is better life and better future for the people of Baghlan.

(MoD Press Office; HUN PRT PAO)
