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„Your Professionalism was the Real Wonder”

Szöveg: Szűcs László |  2010. december 3. 14:41

A commendation ceremony for the HDF troops and civil servants participating in the relief and rescue operations in the wake of the red sludge disaster was held in the barracks of the HDF 12th Arrabona SAM Wing in Győr on December 3. Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende also attended the event at which the personnel of the Wing paraded to pay tribute to St. Barbara, the patron saint of the artillery corps.

The ceremony started with the presentation of the newly founded “For Disaster Relief" Service Medals. In recognition of their outstanding professionalism and service, Service Medals were handed over to the personnel of the HDF Joint Force Command, the infantry brigades of Debrecen and Tata, the Szolnok Helicopter Base, the SAM Wing of Győr, the CBRN Battalion and the Signal and Command Support Regiment of Székesfehérvár, the ASACS Regiment of Veszprém, the Engineer Regiment of Szentes, the Logistic Regiment of Kaposvár, the Pápa Air Base, the Bakony Combat Training Center of Várpalota, the “Artúr Görgei" NBC Area Control Center and the HDF Military Movement Center.


During the ceremony it was said that the troops of the Győr Wing joined the consequence management operations after the red sludge disaster in October as well as the flood prevention works in early summer. In the evening of June 2, 60 personnel of the Győr unit were detailed to Bőny to help with controlling the flash flood. The troops of the Wing were working non-stop on the dams and were instrumental in draining water from a flooding brook so that it cannot endanger the houses in Bőny. The local government of Bőny wished to thank the soldiers for their help by awarding a streamer to the Wing, which was tied on the unit colors at the December 3 ceremony by Dr. László Muraközi, the mayor of the village.

Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende gave a ceremonial speech, in which he said that the story of St. Barbara, the artillerymen’s patron saint is a legend about the significance of adherence to things that really count, even if it costs us dear. St. Barbara is the patron saint of all those carrying out missions in danger of death.

“To be a HDF artilleryman has always been a very dangerous mission in the defence of the homeland and the nation. As the Day of St. Barbara is approaching, we are here today to celebrate this community of comrades, the community of HDF artillerymen which was established for the defence of the homeland and proved on two occasions this year that it is able to accomplish this mission", the Defence Minister said, adding that all those who had travelled to Kolontár and Devecser on that horrible day of the red sludge disaster and witnessed the extent of the damage caused by human irresponsibility will never forget it.


“For me, the real wonder on that day and during the following weeks was your professionalism and determination. You have shown again that by joining forces with the civil authorities and volunteers you can manage the biggest disasters", Dr. Csaba Hende said.

The Defence Minister pointed out that the HDF disaster relief scheme sent an alert 22 minutes after the tragedy occurred, and 90 minutes later everyone was mobilized. Six hours later all of the nominated units arrived at the scene and started making superhuman efforts to rescue our citizens in trouble. More than 2,000 HDF personnel and 500 items of equipment were on duty in the region of Ajka.

The CBRN personnel were the first to take a sample from the spilled-out material for analysis. Using a state-of-the-art NVG system, a HDF helicopter crew detected a further crack on the banks of the red sludge reservoir, so the prospect of another disaster loomed large. Considering the number of personnel and assets alerted by the Hungarian Defence Forces to save the population in emergency, our presence was so strong that we could have evacuated 3,000 residents by a single move", Dr. Csaba Hende said.

“You have put up a total of 4,000 field beds at a temporary shelter in Győr because you reckoned with the possibility of evacuating the whole population of Devecser. A number of seriously injured people were transported to hospitals by HDF helicopters, and some of them received treatment in the Military Hospital in Budapest. You have shoveled away 300 tons of sludge and rubble manually, cleared the yards, washed down the roads and the houses, scattered gypsum and helped rescue all property from the sludge that could be saved. Those who have never seen and done what you were doing cannot even imagine how challenging your job was", the Defence Minister said.


In his ceremonial speech the Defence Minister noted that the troops of the Engineer Regiment of Szentes had constructed a bridge in Kolontár in six days. This bridge will serve the local population for the next 20 years, and is “for us a symbol of a new beginning", the Minister pointed out.

“Your performance delivered at Kolontár and Devecser was a true wonder which was made possible by your professionalism and commitment. This was a wonder of a human community motivated by a shared faith in the service of the homeland", Dr. Csaba Hende said, stressing that after the summer flash flood the HDF troops proved again that the Hungarian Defence Forces are ready to perform their duties. “The reason is not that they have excellent and state-of-the-art equipment but rather that they have superb and committed personnel who devote all their efforts to the service of their country. I can safely say that thanks to your work, the Hungarian Defence Forces have made a lot of progress again towards occupying their deserved place in the heart of the nation", Dr. Csaba Hende said, noting that in 2011 national defence will be a priority in the interest of serving the nation. After several years there will be an increase in the defence budget again, and the volunteer reservist system is going to be established. “Our task, however, remains the same. Our task is to be always ready to defend our homeland and compatriots", this was how the Defence Minister concluded his ceremonial speech.

Polish Navy Captain Maciej Wiklo, Defence Attaché of Poland accredited to Hungary awarded a small statue of St. Barbara to the Győr Wing. The statue was sculpted by a Polish miner from coal. After the presentations on St. Barbara’s day Wing Commanding Officer Col. (Eng.) Ferenc Kovács delivered a ceremonial address.

“We, soldiers and artillerymen, have had our share of the storms related in St. Barbara’s legend, both literally and metaphorically. But we continued to stand firm amidst all those storms. In addition to carrying out our core duties we were fighting the flash flood and joined the relief operation during the red sludge disaster", Col. Kovács said, adding “I would like to believe that Barbara always protects each soldier of our Regiment with solicitous care no matter where their duty station is, be it in Hungary or abroad".

It was noted at the event that the troops of the Wing took part in a Surface-to-Air Missile Live Fire Tactical Training (SAM LFTT) at the Air Defence Firing Range of Todendorf in June. Following the traditions, the soldiers launching the SAMs were initiated into the profession of ground-based air defence (GBAD) artillerymen at the ceremony.


After the parade of the Wing personnel the ceremony continued in the memorial park of the barracks where Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, Chief, MoD Defence Staff laid the wreath of remembrance at the wooden headboard of the GBAD branch of service. The Chief of Defence addressed the troops present at the event by making a toast before the ceremonial luncheon.

“This major disaster in Hungary will go down in history to be recorded on the dark pages of the eternal chronicles. At the same time, I am proud to say that you, Hungarian soldiers have made history so their work opens a bright chapter in that chronicle. You have achieved this through your determination and professionalism, the painstaking and diligent work you have done and some HDF personnel are still doing these days, as a number of them are still on duty in the region", Gen. Benkő said, adding that the work of those on duty at the site of the red sludge disaster has gone a long way towards earning more public recognition for the Hungarian Defence Forces.