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Medal Parade on Europe Day

Szöveg: Major Gusztáv Jely |  2019. május 17. 8:01

With the participation of Major General Martin Dorfer, Commander of EUFOR (COMEUFOR), an international medal parade was organised on Europe Day in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.

The Medal Parade was part of the EUFOR celebrations. Europe Day is supposed to represent the peace and unity of the whole Europe.

In the medal parade ceremony, the Althea-medal was pinned on the jacket of fifty-six servicemembers of ten nations, completing their mission. Major General Dorfer thanked the soldiers for their dedicated work, with which they contributed to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s peace and security.

During the ceremony, the Althea-medal was received by twelve servicemembers of the Hungarian Defence Forces, serving in individual positions, who finish their tour of duty abroad in the month of May, and return to Hungary.

Photos of EUFOR HQ PAO