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Validations with Excellent Results

Szöveg: Lt. Gábor Horváth |  2018. március 28. 11:10

It has been less than a month since the 18th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-18 HUNCON) deployed in the Kosovo theatre, and the Hungarian soldiers have already passed two validations with success.

The Full Operational Capability (FOC) Exercise validating the 1st and 2nd Companies in the area of operations ended in recent days, and the Hungarian soldiers performed excellently on this exercise. Besides high readiness and general manoeuver capabilities, the tasks of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) include its availability for Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) tasks as well. In the interest of the rapid movement of these subunits, the soldiers were trained for all transport helicopters used in the Kosovo area of operations, and participated in Fire Phobia training events.

With these successfully completed validations, the soldiers of the KFOR-18 HUNCON have executed all training events and the following validations in the interest of getting ready for professional and confident task execution during their six-month tour with the foreign mission.

DCOM KFOR Brig.-Gen. János Csombók visited and inspected the exercises of the KTRBN.


Photos by the author