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1st Lt. Dóra Téglás Duruczné


Ukrainian Senior Enlisted Leader Visits Szentendre

2017. március 8. 8:09

Chief Warrant Officer Oleksandr Kosynski, Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recently started a two-day program at the Hungarian Defence Forces NCO Academy (HDF NCOA) in Szentendre, Hungary, where he was received by HDF NCOA Commandant Brig.-Gen. Tibor Bozó. In what followed, the command sergeant majors of the HDF NCOA and other units presented the senior enlisted leader with a comprehensive picture of the functioning of the Hungarian armed forces and the NCO Corps.


International Course in Szentendre

2016. május 17. 10:02

The HDF NCO Academy is running an international course in Szentendre. Organized by the International Training Branch, the Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) “Train the Trainer” (T3) Course is being attended by 18 Hungarian and four foreign students, the latter representing Canada, Sweden, Belgium and Lithuania.


NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Visits Szentendre

2013. április 26. 9:03

Gen. Jean-Paul Paloméros, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation paid a visit to the HDF NCO Academy in Szentendre too during his two-day stay in Hungary.


Maglite – Joint Logistic Exercise in Szentendre

2012. június 28. 16:40

Between June 18 and 21, the St. Margareth Logistic Information Training Exercise (Maglite) was organized for the 30th time by the National University of Public Service Military Science and Officer Training Faculty, Department of Military Logistics and the British Defence College of Logistics & Personnel Administration. The HDF NCO Academy (Szentendre) hosted the event for the third time.