Ugrás a tartalomhozUgrás a menüpontokhozUgrás a lábléchez

Anikó Farkas and 1st Lt. Balázs Iványi


Getting Through Kabul

2012. december 9. 6:06

For the first time, we have left the secure military camps to visit the dozen Hungarian logisticians who are mentoring the training of the Afghan National Army (ANA). A 30-minute drive through Kabul, Afghan privates learning to cook, and gunmen on the highway. Reporting from Afghanistan.


Hungarians Are the Best Ones to Work With

2012. december 8. 17:29

Several Afghan pilots studied together with the Hungarians in the former Soviet Union, and several of their one-time Hungarian schoolmates are participating in their training today. We, the group of journalist and our companions were also enjoying this reflected friendship while on the base. Reporting from Afghanistan.


Christmas Accessories Hidden on Board

2012. december 4. 16:16

Plus three and a half hours – this is the time difference between Hungary and Afghanistan, where we arrived in five and a half hours, thanks to the C–17 airlifter of Pápa, which carried three journalist colleagues, a troop rotation (with some tasks), an explosive detection dog as well as scores of luggage and pieces of equipment. Our mission is to tour the accessible sites where Hungarian troops are deployed in Afghanistan and report on their activities and current affairs. Reporting from the spot.