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Lt.-Col. Attila Torba


German Military Attaché Visits HDF Joint Force Command

2018. március 5. 20:04

Major-General Ferenc Korom, the commander of the HDF Joint Force Command recently received German military attaché Lieutenant-Colonel Wolfgang Illner on a courtesy call.


American Delegation Visits the HDF Joint Force Command

2018. január 30. 9:00

On 24 January Maj.-Gen. Ferenc Korom, Commander, HDF Joint Force Command received Brig.-Gen. Timothy J. Daugherty, Deputy Chief of Staff G3 (Operations), United States Army Europe (USAREUR) who was on a professional visit in Hungary.


Participation in Exercise Immediate Response 2016

2016. október 2. 7:00

Exercise Immediate Response 2016 took place with the participation of ten countries in five military training areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Between 9–22 September, in addition to the host countries, close to 2000 troops increased their interoperability, coming from the United States, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.