Ugrás a tartalomhozUgrás a menüpontokhozUgrás a lábléchez

Lt.-Col. Péter Somogyi, Capt. Imre Farkas


Hungarian Standby Company Called into Action

2013. május 4. 6:06

The stability of the Balkans and Hungary’s participation in the peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina are very important from the viewpoint of Hungarian foreign and security policy. Since 2004, Hungary has been participating with a 160-plus strong contingent in Operation Althea of the European Union. The task of the Hungarian contingent changed in last September, since most of its personnel now serve as a reserve force in a state of readiness in Hungary.


New Unit Colors Flying at the Hungarian Camp in Sarajevo

2013. február 1. 9:01

After a two-week handover-takeover process, on January 18 the HDF EUFOR Contingent commander’s tasks and spheres of authority were transferred in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.