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New Unit Colors Flying at the Hungarian Camp in Sarajevo

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Péter Somogyi, Capt. Imre Farkas |  2013. február 1. 9:01

After a two-week handover-takeover process, on January 18 the HDF EUFOR Contingent commander’s tasks and spheres of authority were transferred in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.


Brig.-Gen. Péter Ernő Siposs, the EUFOR Chief of Staff thanked Lt.-Col. Gábor Bartók, the outgoing contingent commander, Maj. Péter Fazekas, the commander of the support element which carried out the contingent commander’s tasks over the last four months and the entire personnel of the outgoing contingent for their dedicated service and precise task execution. Besides praising the six-month performance of their duties, the general pointed out that the steady support from the families at home was a precondition for executing the tasks by high professional standards.

In his tasking, the Chief of Staff assigned Lt.-Col. Péter Somogyi, the contingent commander of the incoming 12th rotation, Capt. Imre Farkas, the commander of the support element which is to execute the contingent commander’s tasks in the area of operations and the key leaders the task of keeping up the high standards of the previous 11 rotations while carrying out their duties in Sarajevo or back in Hungary as part of the stand-by reserve force.


After the signing of the records of transfer, the unit colors of the HDF 37th ‘Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineer Regiment of Szentes – the unit from which the backbone of the 11th rotation is drawn – were lowered and the colors of the HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile Regiment were raised in their place.

Lt.-Col. Péter Somogyi said “I am certain that the personnel to commence service in Bosnia are ready to receive the contingent during exercises and also when there is a real-world alert.

Lt.-Col. Gábor Bartók, the outgoing contingent commander thanked the soldiers for their six-month work and wished the next contingent every success.


Photos: 1LT Gergő Bognár