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Maj. Gusztáv Jely


Visit to the Balkans

2016. október 11. 9:00

On 5th–6th October, Maj.-Gen. János Huszár, Commander, HDF Joint Force Command and SWO Tibor Négyesi, Command Sergeant Major, HDF Joint Force Command paid a visit to the Balkans Joint Operation Area (JOA).


Troop Rotation in EUFOR

2016. július 22. 10:03

Members of the 18th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-18 HUNCON) attended a medal parade in Sarajevo on 28 June. At the ceremony, EUFOR Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár thanked the personnel for their work and professionalism, and then the peacekeepers started preparing for the upcoming handover-takeover (HOTO) process.