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Visit to the Balkans

Szöveg: Maj. Gusztáv Jely |  2016. október 11. 9:00

On 5th–6th October, Maj.-Gen. János Huszár, Commander, HDF Joint Force Command and SWO Tibor Négyesi, Command Sergeant Major, HDF Joint Force Command paid a visit to the Balkans Joint Operation Area (JOA).

The major-general’s program started with his arrival on the Manjaca training grounds, where he observed the closing phase of Exercise OPREH LEVEL 2, and was briefed about the Hungarian soldiers’ tasks. Currently several Hungarian servicemembers are participating in the exercise, most of them serving in staff positions in the headquarters of the Multinational Battalion (MNBN). The exercise provided them with excellent opportunities to demonstrate their readiness level in an international environment, and gain experience for successful cooperation. The personnel of the Reception, Staging and Onward Movement (RSOM) team of the HDF EUFOR Contingent was supporting the effective execution of logistic tasks all along.


On the second day of his visit, Maj.-Gen. János Huszár held a staff meeting for the personnel serving in individual positions with the EUFOR Althea mission and those serving in the area of operations with the 19th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-19 HUNCON).

The staff meeting took place on Hungary’s Day of National Mourning, the memorial day of the martyrs of Arad, so it started with a commemoration, during which Maj. Gábor Galgóczy talked about the events that happened on that day 167 years ago, and their antecedents.

The staff meeting continued with a briefing by the general, in which he emphasized the important security role of the Balkan missions (KFOR, EUFOR). The stability of the Balkan region has special significance for Hungary.


The speeches were followed by an award ceremony. In recognition for their outstanding performance in the preparations and successful conduct of Exercise OPREH LEVEL 2, the commander of the HDF Joint Force Command presented letters of commendation to Lt. Szabolcs Gál, Lt. Viktor Kiss and SSgt. Tamás Horváth. Lt. Kiss and SSgt. Horváth were not able to take over the certificates in person, because they were present at the site of the exercise even during the staff meeting.


Photo: SFC Orsolya Földes