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Troop Rotation in EUFOR

Szöveg: Maj. Gusztáv Jely |  2016. július 22. 10:03

Members of the 18th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-18 HUNCON) attended a medal parade in Sarajevo on 28 June. At the ceremony, EUFOR Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár thanked the personnel for their work and professionalism, and then the peacekeepers started preparing for the upcoming handover-takeover (HOTO) process.


The EUFOR-19 HUNCON deployed to the area of operations on 3 July. The following day the HOTO process started between the outgoing and the incoming rotations in the contingent. After the HOTO committees finished working, a transfer of authority ceremony took place between the commanders on 15 July at 9:00 a.m., which ended with the signing of the records of transfer. In what followed, the guidons of the HDF 64th Boconádi Szabó József Logistic Regiment (Kaposvár) were replaced with those of the HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Regiment (Győr), flying beside the flags of the European Union and Hungary.


Speaking at the ceremony, Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár thanked National Contingent Commander Col. Tamás Fürst for the dedicated work of the EUFOR-18 HUNCON, and wished his successor, Lt.-Col. János Stoszek every success with the period ahead. At the end of the ceremony, the rotation of the EUFOR contingent has officially finished.

The EUFOR-19 HUNCON commences its six-month tour by setting up a reception cell, while the majority of the personnel are placed on standby in Hungary as a company-sized Intermediate Reserve Force (IRF). The contingent is drawn from the HDF 12th Arrabona SAM Regiment, which is involved in the mission alongside the troops of another eight HDF units.


Photos by the author