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mentor - 19. oldal


Mission Awareness Conference

2012. június 22. 14:36

The ISAF HQ recently organized a mission awareness conference in Kabul on Afghanistan’s future.


A Tour of the Hangar

2012. június 18. 15:38

What the rotary-wing specialists of the air force – the ground crews and the aircrews equally – like the most is dealing with helicopters, be they real or virtual ones – and there are a large number of both kinds in Kabul indeed. During our visit we were able to tour the hangars and workplaces together with the aircraft maintenance technicians’ mentors, and even had a chance to see four simulators inside a building.


Konferencia az átalakulás jegyében

2012. június 18. 14:48

Az ISAF-parancsnokság a napokban Kabulban rendezett konferenciát Afganisztán jövőjéről.


What a Lot of Green! – Reporting from Afghanistan

2012. június 13. 17:06

The members of the seventh rotation of the HDF Mi-35 Air Mentor Team (AMT-7) and the second rotation of the HDF Mi-17 Air Advisory Team (AAT-2) – together with the soldiers posted to individual positions taking their paid leave – left Mazar-e Sharif for Debrecen in the morning of Friday, June 1.



2012. június 12. 9:28

A légierő helikopteres szakemberei – műszakiak és hajózók egyaránt – a helikopterekkel szeretnek leginkább foglalkozni. Legyen szó valódi vagy akár virtuális helikopterekről – márpedig Kabulban mindkettő igen nagy számban fordul elő. Ottjártunkkor a műszaki mentorokkal látogathattuk végig a hangárokat, munkahelyeket, sőt eljutottunk a négy szimulátort rejtő épületbe is.


Afganisztán szívében

2012. június 11. 11:17

Van valami megnyugtató abban, ha az ember a madárcsicsergés helyett egy leszállásra készülő Il-76-os teherszállítógép hajtóműveinek dübörgésére ébred fel. Ez például azt is jelenti, hogy már nem közvetlenül a kabuli nemzetközi repülőtér (KAIA) sátortáborának leghangosabban, éjjel-nappal működő generátora mellett felhúzott sátorban lakom, hanem néhány kilométerrel odébb…


The First Steps – Reporting from Afghanistan

2012. június 11. 10:59

The sixth rotation of the HDF Mi-35 Air Mentor Team is on its way home. The first step of the long journey home was the already familiar German airlift. The aircraft transported the Hungarian troops from Kabul.


Rotation at 03:00 PM – Reporting from Afghanistan

2012. június 10. 6:03

In the afternoon of May 28 at 03:00 pm the seventh rotation of the HDF Mi-35 Air Mentor Team (HDF AMT-7) officially took over the positions and tasks from the sixth rotation. They will not have an easy job in that really hot and dusty Afghan summer.


From the Contents of the Magazine

2012. június 8. 16:28

The viewers of our latest edition can have an insight into the professional performance of our troops serving abroad. Our colleagues have brought us reports from Afghanistan, Kosovo and Northern Italy. You can learn about the job of the Air Mentor Team, the service of the Hungarian KFOR contingent and the tasks of the Hungarian soldiers on Exercise “European Wind 2012”. Last but not least, you can watch the footages our divers shot underwater of a warship that sank some 100 years ago in Cattaro Bay.


Farewell to Arms – Reporting from Afghanistan

2012. június 7. 8:25

Several thousand tons of scrap metal – the remains of the former proud motor transport of the Soviet army – are rusting in the valleys over a huge area of the Kabul Military Training Center (KMTC) near Kabul. One can find here hundreds of BTR-60s, dozens of T-55 main battle tanks of different variants, some BMP-1s, a complete Mi-8 airframe, and there are even some Moskvitch cabs and old BTR-152 APCs.