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Celebrating the 20th Partnership Anniversary of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the Ohio National Guard

Szöveg: / MTI |  2013. május 28. 17:30

On May 17, a commemorative ceremony was held in Columbus, the capital of Ohio State to mark the 20th anniversary of the partnership between the Ohio National Guard and the Hungarian Defence Forces


Minister of Defence Csaba Hende informed MTI about the event on the phone in Friday

evening local time. During the commemoration held at the headquarters of the Ohio National

Guard, in the presence of around 200 people, a proclamation was read out, issued by

Governor of Ohio John R. Kasich, in which the politician greeted the 20

praised the results of military cooperation.

Maj.-Gen. Deborah A. Ashenhurst, Adjutant General of the Ohio National Guard, György

Szapáry, Hungarian ambassador to Washington and Minister of Defence Csaba Hende also

delivered speeches at the event. A jubilee commemoration was held in the Congress in

Washington D.C. too on Wednesday, May 15.

On Saturday, May 18 the Minister of Defence met the representatives of the local Hungarian

community in Cleveland and attended a collective oath-of-citizenship ceremony.

During the visit, the key capabilities of the Ohio National Guard were demonstrated to the

Hungarian delegation.