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Commander’s Visit to Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Andor Gyeginszky |  2014. szeptember 19. 8:56

At the invitation of Maj.-Gen. Salvatore Farina, the outgoing commander of KFOR, Maj.-Gen Sándor Fucsku, Commander, HDF Joint Force Command recently visited Kosovo to participate in the change of command ceremony there. After the ceremony, the major-general met the Hungarian soldiers serving in the area of operations at Camp Slim Lines and Camp Novo Selo.

Maj.-Gen. Fucsku’s four-day program was very busy. It included, among other things, a meeting with the military leaders of NATO’s KFOR mission and a visit to the Hungarian peacekeepers serving in Kosovo, with a view to getting an update on their activity, billeting conditions and their further tasks. The general received detailed reports from the commanders of various elements of the Hungarian contingent. Additionally, he briefed the personnel about some current issues at a staff meeting. The major-general paid a visit to the World War I Austro-Hungarian cemetery in Peje.


With the deployment of the 11th rotation – drawn mainly from the HDF 25th ‘Klapka György’ Infantry Brigade of Tata – the Hungarian Defence Forces have increased their troop numbers by 120 in the Balkans Joint Operational Area (JOA), bringing the strength of the Hungarian contingent serving in Kosovo to more than 300 personnel. The commander of the HDF JFC met the new company during task execution at a forward operations base (FOB), where he learnt about the billeting conditions and the task system of the company.

Lt.-Col. John P. Cogbill, the commander of the Multinational Battle Group-East (MNBG-E) spoke highly of the Hungarian “D" company serving with the MNBG-E, pointing out that the Hungarian soldiers are very motivated and work as one team, executing their tasks with precision, determination and professionalism, and they have excellent physical condition as well.


Lt.-Col. Pedro Brito Teixeira, the commander of the Portuguese–Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) also praised the Hungarian personnel of the “C" company and the ongoing cooperation with them.

Maj.-Gen. Sándor Fucsku thanked the Hungarian soldiers serving in Kosovo for their work, and said he expected them to exhibit a similarly exemplary attitude in the next six months too.


Photos by the author