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Lt. Andor Gyeginszky


Charity Fun Run in Pápa in Saint Patrick’s Honor

2017. április 10. 10:35

The HDF Pápa Air Base is a special place where airmen and civil employees of 12 nations as well as four organizations work together. Thanks to the multinational culture, there are many events and celebrations in the life of the community working here that are less known in Hungary. This time, the St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run brightened up their busy everyday life.


End of NATO Tiger Meet 2016

2016. május 31. 9:00

The participants of the 55th NATO Tiger Meet came from fifteen countries with close to 100 aircraft, including a 50-strong detachment and five Gripens of the HDF 59/1 Puma Squadron, Kecskemét, Hungary. Report from Spain.


Baltic Air Policing in Full Swing

2016. január 8. 9:00

The Baltic Air Policing (BAP) Hungarian detachment did not downshift during the holiday season. On 31 December, the pilots conducted a flight, bidding farewell to the old year, and the following day their Gripens took to the Baltic skies again to perform a Tango (practice) scramble. The contingent has been stationed in Lithuania since 1 September 2015, and until 31 December it had already flown sorties on a total of 100 days, which shows that its members have a lot of duties to carry out indeed.


Baltic Air Policing Monument Unveiled

2016. január 6. 9:00

Continuing the predecessors’ tradition, the Hungarian Baltic Air Policing detachment has recently erected a monument to its four-month deployment in the Quick Reaction Area of Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania. Since 2004, servicemen of all nations deployed on the base have placed here their small plaques and memorials to immortalize their air policing duties.


Commanders’ Inspection in Lithuania

2015. november 24. 10:02

Maj.-Gen. Sándor Fucsku, the commander of the HDF Joint Force Command (HDF JFC) and Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár, Air Force Chief, HDF JFC recently visited the Hungarian contingent that has been deployed with the Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission since September.


Supersonic Flight

2015. október 27. 9:00

In recent days, Hungarian airmen serving with the Baltic Air Policing mission were practicing several activities including supersonic high-altitude intercept, attacking targets on the ground and refueling with engines running.


Air Combat and Refueling in the Baltic Airspace

2015. október 7. 9:00

The Hungarian Gripens practiced air combat and air-to-air refueling at the NATO Baltic Region Training Event (BRTE) held for the 22nd time. The Hungarian pilots were training together with British, Finnish, Polish, German, Norwegian and Swedish aircrews in order to strengthen relations between allies and partner nations and make cooperation even more effective.


A Hundred Hours Over the Baltic Countries

2015. október 2. 9:00

The Hungarian contingent deployed in Lithuania has flown over 100 hours so far. From September 2015 to January 2016, the Gripen fighters are performing air policing tasks in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the spirit of NATO’s collective defence. The frequency of tasks is shown by the fact that the Hungarian pilots have flown the four Gripens for over 100 hours in three weeks, earning words of praise for their activity so far.


Medal Parade for Hungarian Troops Serving in Kosovo

2015. február 9. 12:25

The six-month mission of the 11th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent in Kosovo is nearing completion. In recognition of their peacekeeping activity over the last six months, the members of the contingent received the Non-Article 5 medals awarded by the NATO Secretary General.


Remembering the Hejce Tragedy in Kosovo

2015. január 31. 6:00

On January 19, 2006 a plane crashed into Borsó-Hill near the village of Hejce in Hungary. The An–24 aircraft was carrying Slovak troops on board on their way home to Slovakia from their mission in Kosovo. Forty-two peacekeepers were killed in the disaster. They were recently commemorated by the KFOR troops in Pristina and Sajkovac, the one-time duty station of the Slovak contingent.