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Lt. Andor Gyeginszky - 2. oldal


They Don’t Even Fear Fire

2015. január 20. 9:00

Apart from patrolling and various operational tasks, “Charlie” Company of the HDF KFOR Contingent operating as part of the Portuguese–Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) has the main mission of giving “Fire Phobia Training” to the troops of KFOR nations arriving in the Kosovo area of operations. The Hungarian peacekeepers hold these training sessions in English, and the international community appreciates their high professional standards.


Without Whom Life Would Stop

2015. január 19. 4:39

The Hungarian soldiers serving in Kosovo execute their tasks successfully day after day, which would be unimaginable without proper logistic background.


Commemorating the Don Catastrophe in Kosovo

2015. január 17. 11:04

The soldiers of the HDF KFOR Contingent serving in Kosovo recently commemorated the 72nd anniversary of the Don catastrophe in the chapel of Camp Slim Lines.


Iron Men in Camp Slim Lines

2014. december 25. 6:04

The soldiers of the 11th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-11 HUNCON) serving in Camp Slim Lines, Pristina recently participated in a special Iron Man competition, where The Portuguese and Hungarian teams matched their strength against each other under very extreme circumstances.


CASEVAC by Helicopter…

2014. december 20. 5:42

Tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) is an important capability of the Hungarian KFOR Contingent. The combat medics are ready to give first aid to the injured as soon as possible, and transport them to a secure place for further treatment. But what happens if the injured can be CASEVACed only by helicopter and there are no suitable landing zones nearby? Together with their Portuguese and US comrades, the Hungarian combat medics were training for these situations in Kosovo.


Hungarian Soldiers Rescue Santa Claus in Kosovo

2014. december 14. 6:00

The Hungarian maneuver company deployed in Pristina was relocating to the camp of Slatina to carry out crowd and riot control (CRC) practice there, when out of the blue, a troubled Krampus jumped in front of the Hungarian peacekeepers and told them that some terrorists had just shot down Santa Claus’ sledge, and if the Hungarian troops don’t help, Christmas will be cancelled this year.


New Hungarian Commander Takes Over at Camp Novo Selo in Kosovo

2014. november 27. 9:00

Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi took over the commander’s position at Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny in Novo Selo. In early August, following the troop level increase of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Kosovo, around 120 Hungarian troops arrived in the camp, and most of them are serving with the Hungarian maneuver company of KFOR Multinational Battle Group-East.


Helicopter Training in Kosovo

2014. november 12. 9:00

One of the basic capabilities of maneuver companies – the main force of the 300-plus-strong Hungarian contingent deployed in Kosovo – is to provide airlift to scenes of conflicts by helicopter at short notice. The photos in our gallery have been taken on an exercise where the Hungarian peacekeepers were trained in this capability with KFOR helicopter types used for the transport of air portable troops.


Robert Capa in Kosovo

2014. november 8. 10:37

This August, the Hungarian Defence Forces increased their troop numbers in Kosovo by around 120. Since then, the new maneuver company has executed tasks and gone on exercises in the training area, so it is now well-known to the international KFOR community, and the presence of Hungarians has become natural in Camp Novo Selo.


Valuable Aid to Kosovo Schoolchildren

2014. november 6. 10:35

The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid has recently donated humanitarian aid packages worth HUF 12 million to several disadvantaged families and schools in Kosovo. In cooperation with the HDF KFOR Contingent, two members from the leadership of the charity organization – Sándor Pál, Director of the Advisory Board and Dániel Osgyán, Chief Executive Officer – delivered the donated aid to the families in need and to the institutions.