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New Hungarian Commander Takes Over at Camp Novo Selo in Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Andor Gyeginszky |  2014. november 27. 9:00

Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi took over the commander’s position at Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny in Novo Selo. In early August, following the troop level increase of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Kosovo, around 120 Hungarian troops arrived in the camp, and most of them are serving with the Hungarian maneuver company of KFOR Multinational Battle Group-East.

The camp – where troops of 12 other nations are co-located with the Hungarians – can accommodate 1200 peacekeepers and provide real life support services for them. In his capacity as commander, Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi has assumed duties as camp commandant, being responsible for organizing and supervising force protection, security and screening, compliance with international regulations, billeting and catering of troops, ground management, and cooperation with various NATO organizations.


Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi has taken over command from French Lt.-Col. Soulé Mustapha

Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi is Deputy Commander of the HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment in Hungary. He is going to be the commander of Camp Novo Selo from this November to next May. The camp commandant told us that his duties present him with a lot of challenges, because the camp management system he is in charge of does not have a conventional structure. In the absence of usual support elements, the management of the camp cooperates with various NATO organizations in order to provide a proper infrastructure for every soldier billeted in the camp for their task execution in the area of operations in Kosovo.

There are another two Hungarian soldiers working on the six-strong staff under the new commander. As public works NCOs, SFC Katalin Sirkó and SSgt. Tamás Bodogh are responsible for the proper management of the camp.