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Robert Capa in Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Andor Gyeginszky |  2014. november 8. 10:37

This August, the Hungarian Defence Forces increased their troop numbers in Kosovo by around 120. Since then, the new maneuver company has executed tasks and gone on exercises in the training area, so it is now well-known to the international KFOR community, and the presence of Hungarians has become natural in Camp Novo Selo.


In order to make sure that the soldiers of the nations serving here get to know another side of the Hungarians, the Hungarian Embassy in Kosovo organized an exhibition in the camp on the 100th anniversary of Robert Capa’s birth, in cooperation with the HDF KFOR Contingent. One part of the exhibition shows significant works in Robert Capa’s oeuvre and the main stages of his life, and the other part shows photos taken by artists of the V4 countries of the political transition.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the representatives of the embassy, KFOR and the Hungarian contingent all emphasized that the works on display show those efforts and sacrifices which made it possible for so many nations to serve the cause of peace here today together in agreement. The exhibition gained approval among the residents of Camp Novo Selo, who were pleased to be introduced to a little piece of Hungarian and Central European culture.


Photos by the author