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„For You”

Szöveg: 1st Lieutenant BélaPapp |  2014. február 12. 9:00

We depart early in the morning with the two members of the Hungarian LMT. We leave Pristina in the still freezing cold Mercedes cross-country truck towards Podujevë/Podujevo, where the office of the HDF KFOR members serving in the LMT is located. When we arrive at the office, the Contingent interpreters have already been waiting for us. After a short briefing, we start with one of them, because we have a tight schedule today: we have to visit six schools in the district.


Each child receives a journal

These types of visits of course have their own function. This is when the team members distribute the KFOR monthly, titled “FOR YOU", and they have the possibility to meet the headmasters of the schools, which is of vital importance, as they can get first-hand information about the operation of the schools and the arising problems.

There are small and big schools in the district, and today we mainly head for the small settlements. We receive a very friendly welcome everywhere. As one of the team members tells us the children like the KFOR soldiers, and accept their presence, so we mainly have to care that they will not sweep us away by their enthusiasm. The experience proves the above statement, as a great deal of whispering and noisy excitement begins as soon as our car pulls into the court of the schools.


For You magazine is one of the children’s favourite publications

The first station of the mission is always the headmaster’s office, from where we proceed to one of the classrooms after a short discussion, where the team members distribute the magazines in person among the children. By the end of the morning, we have covered all the planned destinations, and have managed to distribute all the magazines.

The journal includes articles for the senior classes of the elementary school about movies, bands, and all other topics, that might arouse the interest of this age group. The greatest asset of the publication is that it is bilingual, English and Albanian, thus the children can develop their language skills by reading it.

Although the distribution of the magazines is only one of the different daily tasks of the LMT, it is perhaps one of the most rewarding jobs, as the smile of the children is always heart-warming.


The children like the KFOR soldiers

Photos of the author