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KFOR-12 – Combat Ready!

Szöveg: Péter Snoj |  2014. december 15. 9:00

“Combat ready!” The key leaders of the 12th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-12 HUNCON) – which is to deploy in Kosovo soon – borrowed this well-known motto of the Szolnok-based HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion to describe the training level of the unit, which closed the pre-deployment training phase with conducting a culmination exercise at the Táborfalva military training base on Tuesday, December 9.

At Táborfalva, the more than 300 Hungarian peacekeepers to leave for Kosovo – mostly drawn from the HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion and the HDF 5th “Bocskai István" Infantry Brigade – demonstrated that they are ready for all contingencies that may occur during their tour of duty abroad.


The culmination exercise, which closed the pre-deployment training, involved a patrol task, during which the peacekeepers had to cope with several difficulties. For instance, while distributing food in a small village, they were disturbed by rioters and demonstrators. As the situation was worsening quickly, they called out the crowd and riot control (CRC) sub-unit. The first platoon was airlifted to the scene by helicopter, while the “second wave" approached the village on road.

While being pushed back, the crowd first tried to counter the CRC action by throwing Molotov cocktails, and when they did not succeed, several rioters opened fire on the peacekeepers. The injured received professional medical treatment in no time. Afterwards, the soldiers managed to bring the angry crowd under control and disperse it.


The leaders of the practice and the commander of the contingent – which is to leave for the Kosovo area of operations early next year – told us that the culmination exercise had clearly showed that the soldiers are ready to execute the tasks of the foreign mission.

Photos by the author