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Rail Transport to Germany

Szöveg: Lt. Eszter Jánosi |  2017. június 2. 9:00

The soldiers of the HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade recently loaded vehicles and containers onto a train in the loading area of the Hódmezővásárhely railway station.

A designated subunit of the HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade will also join the close to one-month international exercise Combined Resolve VIII. In mid-May, as the last phase of the preparations for the exercise, the soldiers participated in a rail transport methodology training session, during which they learned how to prepare the flatcars, how to get the combat and motor vehicles onto them and how to secure the military equipment as freight.


The actual rail loading process required the cooperation of several military organizations. The work of Hódmezővásárhely soldiers was helped by the experts of the HDF Military Movement Centre. In the unit, it is the officer from the railway station military command who oversees the loading so that it complies with regulations, maintains contact with national and foreign railway companies and has administrative duties in the event of border crossings.

The subunit of the brigade is executing a combined march by road and rail to redeploy its military equipment to Hohenfels Training Area, Germany. All combat and motor vehicles as well as the cars, ambulances and containers are to be transported by rail. The close to 500 meter-long train has an overall weight of 1100 tons, and will travel via Austria to its terminus station, the venue of the international exercise.


Under US lead, the Hungarian battalion will be working together with Albanian and Romanian troops on the multinational exercise. The training audience will practice the forms of meeting engagement, attack and defence with the help of a Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES).

The exercise is set in a realistic environment, and will include a 12-day continuous force-on-force maneuver training phase as well.


Photo: Lt. Csaba Búz