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Two Months in the Area of Operations

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2012. november 4. 6:03

The seventh rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent arrived in Pristina two months ago, in mid-August. Lt.-Col. István Kása, the commander of the contingent informed us about the activities of the recent weeks and the work of the coming months.

On August 24 the commanders of the sixth and seventh rotations of the HDF KFOR Contingent signed the record of transfer. During the two months that have passed since, the Hungarian peacekeepers conducted patrolling in the northern area of the country on a daily basis, in particular in the town of Mitrovica, Lt.-Col. István Kása told us.

The commander of the seventh rotation added that Camp Slim Lines in Pristina, Kosovo houses the KFOR Tactical Maneuver Battalion (KTM), in which Portuguese and Hungarian peacekeepers work together. As the commander of KFOR (COM KFOR)’s reserve force, their task is to serve wherever the security situation requires it.


Just a month after their arrival, the soldiers of the contingent – which is mainly drawn from the HDF 25th Klapka György Infantry Brigade of Tata – assisted with the in-mission training for the Portuguese peacekeepers’ next rotation, and subsequently, when the Portuguese troops reached full operational capability (FOC), they jointly executed their tasks.

Besides patrolling, the different training sessions and practices were going on continuously in the life of the KTM battalion over the last two months. According to Lt.-Col. Kása, the Hungarian and Portuguese peacekeepers carried out several target practices and took part in a crowd riot control (CRC) training as well. Between October 16 and 18, they conducted a KFOR-level exercise with success.


Of course, besides the daily duties, they had time for recuperation too, István Kása told us, adding that the soldiers spent this time meaningfully. For example, in early October the bulk of the Hungarian contingent participated in the 25 kilometer Dancon March, which was organized by the Danish peacekeepers. This march with a decades-long past is organized in every country where Danish peacekeepers are deployed. Furthermore, a joint Hungarian–Portuguese half marathon running race was also organized in the camp.

On October 23 we held a joint parade. The Hungarians commemorated their National Day, while the Portuguese the Army Day of October 24", the Hungarian contingent commander told us, adding that the cooperation between the two nations’ soldiers is very good, and they are on friendly terms, as evidenced by the joint birthday ceremonies that are held every month.


We learnt that the key leaders of the next eighth rotation of the contingent recently visited the camp to inform themselves about the Hungarian soldiers’ accommodation and working conditions as well as their tasks.

Speaking about the tasks for the coming months, Lt.-Col. István Kása pointed out that in accordance with the new COM KFOR’s concept, they have to continue maintaining daily presence and monitor the developments in the northern half of the country, especially in Mitrovica. This means that the Hungarian contingent is going to conduct patrolling in the remaining part of its service abroad.

“Fortunately, the situation is now stable, but the tension lurking under the surface can be felt in the northern areas", the commander of the seventh rotation said.