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Unveiling of Memorial Plaque on the Anniversary

Szöveg: Sergeant First Class Mrs. Hajnalka Matócsiné Kiss |  2011. szeptember 12. 11:02

The HDF 88th Air Mobile Battalion, the precursor of the HDF 25/88th (Airmobile) Light Infantry Battalion was formed eighteen years ago, on September 1, 1993. On the occasion of the anniversary the troops made a proposal to Colonel Dr. Romulusz Ruszin, the Commander of the unit, to name the barrack blocks of the battalion after their comrades, who lost their lives in the line of duty in the past years.

The commander supported the idea, and as from September 1, 2011, the barrack blocks of the executing subunits will be distinguished not just by numbers. The two blocks will bear the names of ‘Nagy Richárd’, posthumous Lieutenant and ‘Hidvégi Attila’, posthumous Warrant Officer.
The name-giving ceremony on September 1 began with a one-minute silence observed by the personnel of the battalion, in remembrance of their comrade, who passed away recently in a parachute accident. The unveiling of the memorial plaque of the two dead heroes took place subsequently, in front of the blocks.


 Photo: Staff Sergeant Márta Földvári

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