World Press Photo – Military Style
Szöveg: Gábor Kálmánfi | 2012. április 14. 6:02I believe most readers have heard about the photographers’ greatest international competition World Press Photo. Known simply as “world press” in professional circles, this competition has a counterpart in a strict military sense – at least overseas.
Being much more experienced than me, my photographer colleagues know very well what a challenge it is to take photos in this special field, but in terms of the end product and quality, it isn’t any lesser than nature photography, for instance. This is all the more the case with the US military, where there is no shortage of themes to be photographed.
It may sound strange but it’s a fact that a very serious panel of civilian professionals judges the military photographers’ best pictures – and the leadership of the US military and the commanders of the units do their best to help the photographers in their work.
Besides the official information, you can see this immediately by looking at some pictures.
Our gallery presents a selection of the best photos taken in recent years.