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Beauty Queens In Military Training

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2009. október 7. 6:16

Minister of Defence Imre Szekeres announced late July that the military off-road rally team, the Honvéd Dream Team Cheetahs will enter the 2010 Budapest–Bamako Rally. At the same time it has also turned out that another novice team, the Miss Hungary Tuareg Rally Team that consists of beauty queens will also enter the race the finish of which is in Africa.

The Miss Hungary Tuareg Rally Team consists of two Hungarian beauty queens, Orsi Serdült, the winner of Miss World Hungary 2009, and Zsuzsi Budai, the winner of Miss Universe Hungary 2009. The girls’ preparation has begun recently, and the management of the team has asked for the help of the Honvéd Dream Team Cheetahs, who are more experienced racers.

The military off-road rally team has proven again its sportsmanlike approach: on 9 September, they conducted a general military endurance test and a physique improving training, as well as a driving training for the girls. The former in Szentendre, at the HDF Central Training Base (HDF CTB), the latter at the Csobánka tactical training base.

In Szentendre the two beauty queens were received by Major General (eng.) Dr. János Isaszegi, HDF CTB Commander, and right after a short walk around the barracks the girls began the completion of the program that has been tailored specifically to their needs. Following the warming up exercises some running, throwing of hand granades, a short military hand-to-hand combat training, and the obstacle course were waiting for the girls. Three non-commissioned officers in charge of training, Sergeant Tamás Tar, Staff Sergeant Tamás Bogáthy, and Sergeant First Class Tamás Kis helped the girls with the completion of these not too feminine tasks.


General Isaszegi told that Szentendre is the cradle of military training therefore it is not a coincidence that the military-style sports training of the two beauty queens is being conducted here. Parallel to the ’training’ of the girls the general basic training of the officer and NCO cadets, and the preparation of the contracted enlisted personnel joining in early July and on 8 September have been completed at the Szentendre barracks.

After the sports training that lasted a bit longer than one hour the beauty queens – like they told us – started off to Csobánka in a pleasantly tired condition, where the two members of the Honvéd Dream Team Cheetahs, Sergeant First Class Zoltán Bálint and Warrant Officer Barnabás Honfi had been waiting for them. The pilot and the navigator of the military off-road rally team gave the girls a training on the technique of driving, but they also had to take an examination in the form of a test to give an account of the knowledge they have mastered in the course of the week, during the first phase of the preparation for the Budapest–Bamako Rally.

According to the plans Zsuzsi Budai will drive the racecar of the Miss Hungary Tuareg Rally Team and Orsi Serdült will take the role of the navigator. But the girls have already agreed that they will keep rotating in the pilot’s seat, so they have to learn the fundamental tricks of both ’professions’. Sergeant First Class Zoltán Bálint joined Zsuzsi first in the racecar with entry number 100, and they did a ’school circle’ on the sandy and dusty dirt roads of the Csobánka training base. Following that it was Orsi’s turn, she could not get away. During the training the pilot of the military off-road rally team gave the two beauty queens some good pieces of advice, and Barnabás told the girls about the most basic navigational skills.

When the test rounds ended Zsuzsi and Orsi told us that the track seemed to be a bit difficult for the first time, but with the help of Zoli’s advice they could overcome the obstacles in the terrain that seemed to be dangerous. Of course, they still have a lot to learn before the race, but they are already looking forward to the start of the rally. They believe they will cope with the distance, thousands of kilometres, and what is more, they will enter the race with the purpose of winning it. They do not even deny that they intend to beat their ‘teachers’, the military team as well…
