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Competition for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) with Hungarian Success

Szöveg: Captain Zsolt Szakasits |  2013. december 4. 10:12

Two soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) and two medical experts working at the National Ambulance Service took part in the EMS Competition recently in Cyprus.


The teams competed under real-life circumstances

In the international professional exercise and competition for emergency medical services with the title ‘EMS Cyprus Aphrodite Rally’ altogether 19 teams compared their knowledge – the majority of them arriving from the surrounding islands, but there were also teams coming from the United States and Czechia among the contestant. Ambulance doctor Dr. Edit Gara, ambulance officer Zsolt Szakasits and emergency specialist nurses Krisztián Tamás Ferenczi and Péter Klupács represented Hungary at the Cyprus contest.

During the 24-hour competition – staged in the beautiful scenic city of Paphos, included in the UNESCO world’s heritage list – the teams had to complete five night and five daily tasks; under real-life circumstances with the contribution of humans and dummies simulating sicknesses.

Among the tasks, there were more cases of resuscitation and treatment of traumatic patients – the participants encountered with an elderly lady who fell victim to a robbery committed with violence, with an unconscious eight-month pregnant lady trapped in a car wreck, with a suicide and a victim, stung by a poisonous snake inter alia.

In the two-day competition, the Hungarians achieved the second place.


The Hungarian team achieved the second place