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Csaba Hende Addresses Security Policy Conference

Szöveg: |  2011. február 9. 7:56

Hungary and the Hungarian Defence Forces seek extensive and close cooperation with their allies and partners – said Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende in his presentation at the 11th Herzliya Security Policy Conference in Israel.

During his three-day informal visit to Israel, Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende delivered a speech at the 11th Herzliya Conference, where politicians, researchers, and the invited experts exchanged their views on the opportunities for political, scientific and technological cooperation between Israel and Europe, on security policy issues and the dangers of global terrorism. Shimon Peres, the Israeli President addressed the guests of the conference on Saturday evening.

The Hungarian Defence Minister gave his speech on Sunday evening and so did his counterparts, Ehud Barak (Israel), Liam Fox (UK), and Dr. Alexandr Vondra (Czech Republic). As Csaba Hende pointed out, “Destroying the human dignity of any community or citizen of Europe is unacceptable to us, so the Hungarian government takes action against any kind of anti-Semitic propaganda. In this issue, there can be no compromise: the Jewish community can count on us."

“The Hungarian Defence Forces of our state that regained its independence are leading the way in the field of tolerance in many regards. As chief of staff, in 1993 I also participated in making a law that established the institution of the military rabbinate within the army chaplaincy," Csaba Hende emphasized in his speech.
Talking about the current challenges to security policy, the Hungarian Minister of Defence drew attention to energy security, natural and man-made disasters, climate change and cyber security issues. He also pointed out that the recent changes in the security situation of Central Europe and the West Balkans are basically positive.

In this new security environment, Hungary and the Hungarian Defence Forces seek extensive and close cooperation with their allies and partners in every field. From conventional territorial defence of the country to participation in peace support and crisis response operations abroad, the HDF must be capable of deploying as a stand-alone force and also of cooperating in multinational environments.

Csaba Hende emphasized in his speech that the HDF have to prepare for meeting traditional and new types of threat. Making a remark about the present situation in Egypt, the Minister expressed his hope that democratic transition and stability in the region will be achieved.
During his visit to Israel, Csaba Hende also had informal talks with Palestinian leaders in Ramallah.