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Dancon March in Kosovo

Szöveg: Loretta Tömbölné Czirfusz |  2011. november 9. 13:43

On Sunday, October 30 twenty-six Hungarian troops entered the Dancon March in Kosovo to cover a distance of 27.1 kilometers, demonstrating that the peacekeepers of the HDF KFOR Contingent have the required endurance.

It is less known that the first march was organized in 1972 by the peacekeepers of the Royal Danish Army deployed in Cyprus. They started a tradition, so the march has been regularly organized in every country where a Danish military contingent is deployed. The name itself is an acronym formed from the words DANish CONtingent.

These days the 25-30 kilometer-long march organized in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo invites foreign troops allied with Denmark in addition to the Danish ones. The competitors have eight hours to cover the distance without drinking water and food, carrying a backpack of minimum 10 kilograms and personal weapons.

The start of the Dancon March in Kosovo took place in Camp Novo Selo, a former Danish camp that today accommodates French and German troops. The some 100 entrants included British, Danish, French, Hungarian, Moroccan, Portuguese and Swiss soldiers. After completing the registration and being weighed, they started out to complete the march, which follows a route through rough terrain with 300-meter height differences at some places.

Among the Hungarian participants, the first three soldiers to reach the finish line with a time of 3 hours and 41 minutes were from the HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion, namely Lt. Gábor Vecsey, L/Sgt. Ádám Kővári and L/Sgt. József Kucsák. Lt. Gergely Brunner, the soldier of the HDF 54th Veszprém Radar Regiment was the only one to enter the march for the second time this year, which is a serious trial of strength.

The soldiers completing the march within the time limit were presented with Dancon March certificates and medals to be pinned onto their service dresses.
