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Dreams That Have Come True

Szöveg: |  2012. június 2. 11:20

Those who build schools build education, and those who build education build the future – Lt.-Col. János Somogyi, the commander of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-12) emphasized at the inauguration ceremony of 16 classrooms, a drinking fountain and a football pitch – the result of a school expansion project in Afghanistan.

Several hundreds of schoolchildren’s dream has come true in a prestigious school of Baghlan province. Named after Sayed Jamaluddin, the famous 19th century poet and philosopher, the school has now been extended with 16 classrooms, a drinking fountain and a football pitch. The HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team and the German maneuver battalion also contributed to the project.

“Those who build schools build education, and those who build education build the future", PRT-12 Commander Lt.-Col. János Somogyi stressed in his speech. “Let me congratulate the leaders of the school and the students on their results and successes achieved so far. However, there can be no results and successes without security. We, adults have the task of creating stability through joint efforts and cooperation, while you, pupils have to study as much as possible in the castle of knowledge, so that you will be able to use what you have learned in reconstructing your country once you’ve left the old walls of the school", the commander of the HUN PRT-12 pointed out.

Nasin Habibi, the headmaster of the school opened the ceremony. In his speech, he recalled the beginnings and went on proudly talking about the present: “Sixty-eight years ago we started the school year with just two classes, and by now we have become the largest and most famous educational institution in Baghlan Province. This school was operating during the hardest times throughout the three decades of war. We are famed for our strict educational methods, and perhaps that is why many of our students are admitted to colleges and universities. Stability and our well-trained teaching staff are the keys to the success of teaching on the proper level, since education forms the backbone of society. The future would be meaningless without schools", the headmaster said.


