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Easter in Mazar-e Sharif

Szöveg: |  2012. április 14. 15:23

The soldiers of the HDF National Support Element serving in Afghanistan were working at Easter too, as they had to receive 22 tons of materiel and transport four tons of cargo to Hungary.

This holiday has a very special significance for the soldiers serving with ISAF, but the great distance and the absence of the family leaves its mark on the atmosphere. The contingent deployed in Mazar-e Sharif was working during this special holiday, as life did not stop in the theatre of war. On Easter Eve, the troops of the HUN NSE–Afghanistan were tasked with receiving 22 tons of materiel and transporting four tons of cargo to Hungary. While most of the personnel were busy (un)loading the Il-76 transport aircraft, the others were preparing the Easter meals under the servicewomen’s guidance.

At the end of this hard and tiring day, in keeping with the character of the Easter holiday, the tables were set with smoked ham, sausage and boiled eggs on them. There were doughnuts too, thanks to the ladies. The soldiers serving in Mazar-e Sharif ate the meal at a joint supper.

The traditional Hungarian flavors relieved the monotony of the busy days. The supper closed with a musical program in a good atmosphere.

